September 2023 Studio Update #1

Hey, Look, A New Website!

While I’ve been working on the Steam release of Idle Space Navy as well as getting ready to start development on version 0.08 of the same thing, I decided to go ahead and make a new version of the Phoenix Aura website. Why? Simple. The first version of the website was thrown together in about 15 minutes and I just never really wanted to update it. It used a website builder by the name of BoldGrid which, to me, was very hard to work with and very hard to get to do what I wanted to do.

Fortunately, I’ve discovered a new site builder by the name of Elementor, and that’s allowed me to create a website version that is not only easier to make changes and add features to, but also allows me to make much better designed update posts much more quickly. As such, the primary location for update posts will be here, though links will also be posted in the Phoenix Aura Discord server and updates will also be pushed out to Patreon.

What’s the future of the website? Well, for one, we’ll have new pages coming for projects as they are developed. Right now, the only project with its own page is Idle Space Navy, but as new series and games are produced, they’ll receive web pages of their own so you can learn more about them and have quick access to the specific projects you want to see. There may also be a game or two that gets deployed to the website itself…

Anyway, enough about the website, here’s what else is going on.

Catch you all in the next update!