September 2023 Studio Update #2

Promotions, Stream Schedule Changes, and More!

So, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had an update for the whole studio. Most of the updates have been ISN devnotes or expanded beyond ISN mostly to my video game community. I think it’s about time we rectify that, because there’s a lot that’s changed over the past few weeks. Let’s go ahead and launch into it.

My promotion is official – as is my new work schedule! I got the official offer letter about a week after the prior studio update. Along with a pay bump (which allows me to reduce my Uber Eats time accordingly – part of what allows me to change my stream schedule up), I finally have a mostly consistent schedule, from 8 am to 4 pm Pacific time on weekdays. (I take a working lunch, and opted to continue doing so in my new position. I’ve just always preferred it.)

Stream schedule revamp! With the consistent work schedule and more time freed up from Ubering means I can revamp my stream schedule. We’re staying on 7 days a week, but with me dropping Uber on Monday through Thursday, I’ve decided to move the start time for Monday-Thursday streams half an hour earlier to 7:00 pm Pacific (10:00 pm Eastern). They’ll still end at 9:00 pm, so there’s an extra half hour of stream content coming.

On the other hand, Friday-Sunday streams are staying at 90 minutes, but with me wanting to make sure I can get back in time from running Uber orders, I’ve decided to push those streams to start half an hour later (so, at 8:00 pm Pacific or 11:00 pm Eastern). As a result, they’ll end at 9:30 pm Pacific instead of 9:00.

Of course, these times may be adjusted as family or health items allow – I may be going into another round of gastritis, which may limit my energy for streaming over the next week or so, but once that’s done, I’ll be right as rain.

Further schedule changes may happen, and that depends on the Future Stream Content poll currently taking place on the Discord server (click the button at the top of the page to join it). I’ve been wondering whether people want me to focus on other things, so I figured I’d ask everyone what they want to see. Take a look and give your opinion today!

The Discord server is receiving some reworks – things may be broken at times, so please bear with me as I set it up for the new onboarding system!

Idle Space Navy has two large launches coming in October – the launch of ISN 0.07.4 on Steam on 02 October (join us for the live stream on my Twitch channel at 7:15 pm Pacific/10:15 pm Eastern), and the targeted launch of ISN 0.08.0 in mid- or late October. I’m really looking forward to seeing it kick off!

We’re still working on concepts for the round table podcast, so it’s looking like we’ll have our first episode sometime in November.

Videos are still in a huge amount of flux – but with my new work schedule clearing up a lot of time I can use for recording and editing (or ISN development), I’ll be able to get started on things more effectively. The amount of time I have available also depends on what people decide in the Future Stream Content poll – again, join the Discord by clicking the button at top right to take part!

Either way, there’s a ton to look forward to in October, so stay tuned and enjoy!