Idle Space Navy 0.09.0

You asked. We answered. The amount of feedback on Idle Space Navy since the Steam release in 0.07.4 has been astounding. Much of it has been about the user interface and the game’s learning curve. Now, however, Idle Space Navy 0.09.0 gives us a redesigned, more informative user interface for the Shipyard and Lab, better Daily […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXXIV

Centauri It’s been a bit since my last Devnote, and, well, first my birthday intervened, then a minor but persistent illness, then the holidays. There were also work projects for the end of the year, and shut up Arynnia, we want to hear how the game is going. Idle Space Navy 0.09.0 has been clearing a […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXXIII

The Case of the Missing Phoenix Well, it has been a hot minute, hasn’t it? My last devnote was on 29 October, and my last mini-updates were in early and mid-November. The main reason for this is first that I was moving, but I also had a sinus issue turn into an upper respiratory infection […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXXII

Holy 0.08, Batman! The 0.08 sequence has finally hit – and has it been intense! The first version in the sequence, 0.08.0, went through 7 or 8 patches before even two hours had gone by. After that rough start, three more bugfix releases have come to give us 0.08.3 and hopefully the first fully stable […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXXI

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXXI An Update on 0.08 NOTE: All saves will be reset in ISN 0.08.0 per prior information on the Discord and devnotes on the Phoenix Aura website. So, work on Idle Space Navy 0.08.0 is continuing apace – or was, until out of the blue, I ended up with the coronavirus! Annoyingly, […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXX

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXX Quality of Life Improvements in ISN 0.08.0 So, the Steam launch of Idle Space Navy 0.07.4 has been a much larger success than I expected. Over 3,000 people have added the game to their library, and over 500 have given it a try over the past two days. I’m blown away […]

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXIX

Idle Space Navy Devnote XXIX Hey, Some Good Unity News! This update is mostly about the Unity runtime fee saga I discussed in Devnote XXVIII, so if you want the small bit of update on ISN itself, skim past this. Today, Unity released an open letter regarding the blowback from their runtime fee policy, and […]